Monday, July 16, 2012

Teaching Obedience

  In Sunday school this week the youth were learning about the fact that our sins seperate us from God.  On thing the speaker said made me think of my training for my kids.  He said that our sins are a direct assult on God's Character, who He is, His Holiness.  I had several thoughts about this. 
  The first thought was that when our kids disobey, or sin against, us, it is a direct assult on the position God has given us as parents.  I have a hard time requiring immediate obedience from my kids, but if I realize that letting them disobey me for a time means I am letting them disregard the position God has given me before them, I need to demand prompt obedience.  One very wise woman I know says delayed obedience is disobedience.  I need to remember this as the mom and require my children to obey right away, every time.
  The second thought I had was the way we train our children to respond to us now is the way they will respond to God in the future.  We are training them to either listen to God and obey Him right away, every time or to ignore Him untill the time seems right to them.  I need to remember the bigger picture as I am training my children that it is not just about having well behaved children, or industrious children, or children who take care of others, but that raising children is about raising the next generation of God's people.  Will my children be obedient followers of their Lord Jesus or will they be luke-warm christians, ineffective in what they do?
  Well, I hope this encoourages other moms to step up their expectations of their children, but most of all I pray that God would help me change so that my kids will be effective in God's kingdom now and in the future.