Saturday, November 26, 2011

Genesis (Beginnings)

Over the next couple weeks I'm going to try to write an overview of the Bible.  There is a group of girls who want to know more about the Bible and this is my attempt to teach it to them.
Part 1

In the Beginning God. That's how the Bible starts, in the beginning God. God was before anything else was, and He had a plan. God wanted to make a world to show off his glory and he wanted people to view this world recognize His glory and love Him. God's plan was for the people He created and loved to live with him in unity and harmony. So, in the beginning God created. He created everything! Plants, animals, the universe, but most importantly, He created people. He created man, “in His image He created them, male and female, He created them”. Not only did he create them, but he loved them and put His life into them. He than did the hardest thing for one who loves another, He gave them the choice to obey or disobey Him. He could have created the perfect garden without the infamous tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but He didn't. He could have let them do whatever they saw best in their own eyes, but he gave them a rule, one rule to test their love for Him their trust of Him. And they, thinking they knew better than the one who loved them and created them, chose to disobey this one rule. And the world fell apart. The world fell to pieces, but not God's plan. He still had a plan for the people he created to live with Him in unity and harmony, it would just take a little more work. So, He initiated part 2 of His plan: redemption. This redemption would not be easy for God or for His people. Both would need to suffer for it to be complete.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you went from in the beginning right to redemption, been thinking so much about that word and what it means! Precious. love it. =)
