I have been trying to teach my kids lately to focus on their own responsibilities. I have heard a lot lately "Why do I have to do this? He's not working!" or "Why can't I do that?". I have heard a lot about the other kid. I am trying to teach them that they need to be responsible for their own actions, not the actions of anyone else. I say "What did I tell you to do? Than worry about that, not about your brother or sister."
As I was thinking about this training for my children I thought about what an important lesson this is for adults as well. Often we are so concerned with other people that we don't take care of our own responsibilities. We worry so much about what they are doing, how much work they have, how much fun they have, that we aren't listening to our Father about what we ought to be doing. If we would just listen and obey many things would go better.
I also tell my kids "You are not responsible for your brother's/sister's actions". I need to remember that as well. I am not responsible for others actions, not even my children's actions. That doesn't mean I have no responsibility towards them at all. I am responsible for my actions of influence. Am I influencing my children for God or not? I will answer to God for that. Have my children followed God well? That is their responsibility, they will each answer to God for their own walk.
This is the same thing with my kids. Is Josh influencing Caleb by being cheerfully and promptly obedient or by throwing a fit when asked to obey? Is Hannah influencing Josh by responding quickly and cheerfully or by grumbling and complaining? And again am I influencing my children by doing my work cheerfully and willingly or do I procrastinate and complain?
We each need to listen to God and follow through on our own responsibilities. How are you doing?
Jenni, thank you for this timely cheerful word, words for us all to take to heart!!