Sunday, August 26, 2012

Being God's kids

   So, I'm about to have baby #4 and I'm being a little impatient.  I was talking to God about the timing.  "Come on God, it's about time don't you think?"  And then he taught me an important lesson about himself.  I was talking to him about how it will be nice to have all the worries of the labor and delivery over, how I am looking forward to having my body back, and than thought about after the birth.  I told Him, "Now I know that having Esther doesn't mean all my problems will go away, but having her in my arms would make it al worth it".  He let me know that is exactly how he feels about everyone in the world.  He goes through labor pains to bring each child into his kingdom and he knows that just having us as his children won't make everything better, but having us in his amrs is much better than not having us with him.  No matter the grief my kids give me, I have never thought that it would be better to not have them as mine.  No matter how much grief we give God, never does he think it would have been better for us not to be His.  Let's rejoice at our position in him as his children and then do our best to make Him proud.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Teaching Obedience

  In Sunday school this week the youth were learning about the fact that our sins seperate us from God.  On thing the speaker said made me think of my training for my kids.  He said that our sins are a direct assult on God's Character, who He is, His Holiness.  I had several thoughts about this. 
  The first thought was that when our kids disobey, or sin against, us, it is a direct assult on the position God has given us as parents.  I have a hard time requiring immediate obedience from my kids, but if I realize that letting them disobey me for a time means I am letting them disregard the position God has given me before them, I need to demand prompt obedience.  One very wise woman I know says delayed obedience is disobedience.  I need to remember this as the mom and require my children to obey right away, every time.
  The second thought I had was the way we train our children to respond to us now is the way they will respond to God in the future.  We are training them to either listen to God and obey Him right away, every time or to ignore Him untill the time seems right to them.  I need to remember the bigger picture as I am training my children that it is not just about having well behaved children, or industrious children, or children who take care of others, but that raising children is about raising the next generation of God's people.  Will my children be obedient followers of their Lord Jesus or will they be luke-warm christians, ineffective in what they do?
  Well, I hope this encoourages other moms to step up their expectations of their children, but most of all I pray that God would help me change so that my kids will be effective in God's kingdom now and in the future.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The one with the power

   I have a very cool Sister-in-law and for my sons birthday she gave each of the kids a remote control car!  They loved it!  Especially the fact that they all got presents even though it wasn't all of their birthdays. So, the last few days have been full of cars racing around our home, tears when one breaks and fighting over the ones left.  Well, the little one finally got a chance to control both of the remaining cars at the same time and was having a blast.  He put them head to head and asked me which one I thought would win the fight.  Well, I could see that only one was turned on and he only had one controller, so I said, the one with the power.  God struck me as those words came out of my mouth that the only ones who win in life are the ones with the power, His power.  Wow!  A second later Caleb was trying to switch which one would win and grabbed a new controller.  The problem was it was the wrong controller for the car that was turned on.  Even if we have the power to win our battles with Satan, which we all do as children of God, we cannot win if we are not listening to the right Controller.  So, I will challenge any who read this to make sure you are connected to your power source, the Holy Spirit, and make sure you're listening to the right Controller, God the Father.

Monday, February 27, 2012

You are treasured

   I looked back at some notes I had taken from a women's conference I attended at the beginning of January.  There was a note I had written down that reminded me of being a parent.  The speaker said ," You don't have to DO anything to be treasured."  I really like that.  I like how it speaks to us as children of God as well as speaking to our relationship with our kids.    Every mother I know deeply treasures her children.  This treasuring is not because the kids were great that day or because they did well in school, but because they belong to her.  We need to remember this principle when we think of our relationship with our heavenly Father.  He loves us and treasures us, not because we are being good or successful that day, but because we are His. 
  I was also reminded of this principle recently when teaching some 7th grade girls about the Bible.  We did a very quick 4 week overview of the Bible.  When we got part way through the Old Testament, they were a little put off by God's promise to His people. 
   Deuteronomy 30:15  "See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess.17But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, 18I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess."
  They were surprised God would destroy His people.  This two way covenant, you do your part and I'll do mine, is not what we are use to.  See, we live in the New Covenant!  In this covenant, or promise, it is one sided.  God says "I will love you no matter what".  God has always loved His people, but now, with our sins atoned for, we are allowed to go before God like we would our own father.  In a sense He is saying "You don't have to DO anything to be treasured, I already did it, now you are mine."
  What an assurance that is!  God treasures us and wants good things for us.  Why do we not trust him?  Why do we not feel treasured?  It is because we accept the lies of the Deciever says "You are mine, I have bought you with a price, I love you with an everlasting love."  Wow!  I am His no matter what I DO.  I am treasured because I am His . . . and so are you.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Feeding our Little Ones

   I was talking with a friend today about what to feed babies when.  It can get a little confusing at times.  Who do you listen to?  What is the right way?  I was thinking about what I told her and how it relates to the Christian life. 
  When you start feeding a baby "solid" foods, you need to make sure they can digest the food.  God gave us a nifty way to know if a little one can digest food, they get teeth!  Imagine that.  God made it so that when a baby can eat, he can actually digest the food.  God is pretty smart.  We need to be on the look out for evidences in peoples lives around us to know if they want to be a part of Jesus' life.  The evidence for this can be obvious at time and sometimes not so obvious.  One good clue is that they ask questions.  People who ask questions about God are usually more willing to hear about Him and how He can be a part of their lives.
   The second thing that you have to do is make sure you give the baby foods in the right order.  Even though it is popular to start with grains, they are typically more allegenic and harder to digestfor a little one, even rice cereal.  Many parents also like to start with fruits.  The kids usually is very willing to eat something so sweet and it is easy for them to digest, so it is perfect, right?  Not really.  If you start with sweets, the child has a tendancy to desire more and more sweets.  They may only accept fruit because it is so good, or something mixed with fruit.  All they want is the good stuff, een when they get older! :)  I like to start with vegitables, mostly sweet potatoes.  They are great for new eaters!  Not too sweet, easy to digest and full of good vitamins essential for a growing baby.  You can also adjust the cosistancy to the needs of the baby and when they get a little bigger, just cube it and let them use their fingers. :)
  We need to be carefull of what we "feed" to new believers just as much as what we feed to our babies.  If you give them 'grains' right away they may find it hard to digest and turn away.  They may also have an aversion, or 'alergy', to things of God.  If we only teach the 'sweet' stuff, they may think that Christianity is going to be a snap and they should always get nice things.  They may avoid anything difficult or 'not sweet'.  But if we start with the basics, the Gospel, we will give them nutients for their bodies.  They will learn to eat the good things of God as well as things that are good for them.  They will learn that not everything is always sweet, but it is good.
  So, We need to be careful what we feed young Christians and when we introduce 'solid' foods, just like we do when we have a new baby.

Monday, January 9, 2012

God Has a Plan and is in Charge of that Plan

My kids are always trying to tell the others kids what is going to happen during the day. But, they are very young, They don't know what I have planned and have little influence or sway in what actually happens. So asking my 6 year old what we are going to do on any given day isn't a good idea if you want to actually know what we are doing. Now, sometimes she knows. But, the only reason she knows is because I have told her and she has listened and believed that what I said was true and that I had the power to make those things happen. This is just like us with God, except much bigger and more concrete. God doesn't just plan out a day and leave it up for change, He has planned all of eternity! Also, He has the power to carry out that plan. I may make plans for a day, but than something comes up and I change my plans. God has never had to change his plans because of something that just “came up”.  The problem is that we don't always know what God's plan is for us. Well, when my daughter wants to know the plan for the day, what does she do? She asks me about it because I know more than she does. We need to do the same thing. Go to the One who knows more than we do.